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The Wonder Years staff look forward to welcoming you and your children.
Our new nursery diary (below) will make it easier to keep up with term dates and events. If you double click on any calendar item you will have the opportunity to add it to your personal calendar, so you won't forget.
If you prefer then sign up to our Famly app. to ensure you have up to date information regarding your child's stay, news and events at the nursery. If you haven't requested access to Famly then contact us and we will arrange it straight away.
SANDWELL PVI Terms and Holidays 2020/21
The Legal Requirement for Nursery Education is 38 weeks per year
School Summer Term 2020:
Nursery Education:
Excludes Half-term:
Payment for number of weeks:
School Autumn Term 2020:
Nursery Education:
Excludes Half-term:
Payment for number of weeks:
School Spring Term 2021:
Nursery Education:
Excludes Half-term:
Payment for number of weeks:
Tuesday 14th April 2020 – Wednesday 15th July 2020
Tuesday 14th April to Wednesday 15th July
Monday 25th May to Friday 29th May
12 weeks inclusive
Monday 7th September 2020 to Friday 18th December 2020
Monday 7th September to Friday 18th December
Monday 26th October to Friday 30th October
14 weeks inclusive
Monday 4th January 2021 to Thursday 1st April 2021
Monday 4th January to Thursday 1st April
Monday 15th February to Friday 19th February
12 weeks inclusive
Total of 38 weeks of EYSFF (based on financial year)
** Two weeks will be paid in the Summer Term 2020 (due to financial year dates) **
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